Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Haunting - Demon Child

Demon Child Pt.2

Demon Child Pt.3

Demon Child Pt.4

Demond Child Pt.5

In Kentucky, Jan and Dale Foster's 6-year-old son Cody starts talking to an imaginary playmate, who he names "Man." As the weeks progress, Cody's behavior becomes erratic. His sudden outbursts make Jan wonder if there is a correlation to Cody's new "friend." When she questions Cody, she learns that his constant companion is the ghost of a murdered little boy. Cody's deviant behavior escalates, and Jan suspects that something more sinister is at work. A Native American shaman gives Jan the tools to rid her house of a demon that seems dead set on possessing her son's soul. In the end she must confront the evil entity alone.

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