Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Famous Mexican flying humanoid video

This video has been around for the past 2 years or so. It depicts a floating entity in the remote mountains of Monterey Mexico. A news crew captured it on video.

I've read reports on a possible "Witch" that was attacking the town's people in Monterey (that was back in 2003). It wasn't until recently that a video surfaced with such incredible pictures. I'm not one to jump to conclusions, but so far I cannot think of an explanation for this. It doesn't behave like a balloon or a kite, like many people say.

I hope to see more videos soon!

What do you guys think it could be?

Ghost footage: Surveilance video car impound lot

According to this story, several cars were involved in a fatal crash.
The reported apparition is said to resemble one of the victims.

Ghost stories part 2

(in continuation of "the warrens" video post)
Interesting videos clips on actual ghost caught on film.
What do you guys think? real?